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 Family Manchen & “Pablo”

The very first Charlie in South Africa ...

Family Manchen came to us from Africa only for having a look at the charlie boy Pablo and maybe to adopt him and including in their family. One year earlier the Cavalier girl Lea bred by moved to them to Winthoek and already at this time the enthusiasm for a little Charlie came to their mind. But it is not easy to get a Charlie, because the number of puppies throughout Germany is only about 15-20 pups per year. After the first visit we all know already that a little Charlie boy is making a long journey ... We received this email a week after the arrival in the new home and here you can see that the "Charlie-virus" has arrived in South Africa. Cavalier and Charlie are simply a fantastic combination, the good qualities of these two breeds are truly symbiotic.

But read yourself ...


Hi my intergalactic doggie daddies!

With what to start our little report?

After our arrival, we've phones already with Mr. Vorderstraße and reported about our travel experiences. Luckily, our friend (pilot) flew us home with a big heart for the little charmer! After few hours Pablo fell asleep in our armes (luckily there were a few other passengers snoring!).

Within the first week he felt already home and is now the king of our house and brings a lot of fun in our life!!! Now we know 100% what you meant when talking about the special charlie character. He knows exactly how to look at us or to use his body for reporting his stories to us. You can see with his sparkle in the eyes when he wants to do a new coup.

At night - hmm! - you can imagine where he is sleeping - the bed is not enough for him. Noooo - he MUST sleep in my arms or to put his head on my neck !!!

At the weekend we drove to my mom for picking up our Cavalier Lea. What an event !

A big pleasure on all sides. Lea is a very kind little girl and wants to be friend with anybody. She even says "Good morning" and "Good Night" to anybody living in the house for not being unfair. But know Pablo was coming ....

And what did the newcomer ? he was snarling like a wulf ! We didn't want to believe what we were hearing. Lea wanted to play and was showing her joy with her tail but Pablo looked her her with an angry face and better continued snarling. The dog of my mom and Lea were really offended - why the hell could be bring such a snarling little dwarf to their home? At night both were sleeping with us, of course with a lot of distance, Pablo had a look that Lea was not coming too close to his new daddy!

Next morning Pablo came into the room, his head ahead and we wanted to ask him already what coup he wants to do now ?? No, in fact it seems that he realized at this moment that it might be better to be a friend of the little princess Lea. From this moment Lea and Pablo were the best friends and they are playing together like Lea did before with our cat. Biting in the tail, playing with the ears - without stopping. Sometimes it's a bit too much for Lea and says "no" but 99% of the time Pablo is the winner and Lea accepts it like an angel.

You cannot imagine what a lot of fun we have with these two sweethearts. At the moment the zebra-tarpet is turned around by them - but to be honest, it was Pablos idea ...0

On the picture above you can see us on the beach of Swakopmund last weekend! Not easy to get them all on one picture.

We wish you a nice weekend with your "kids" - you know that our two are true little kids for us.

Yours sincerely

Eva-Maria and Heino Manchen.











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