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Pro Charlie







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 Ursula Walter & Charlie

Mrs Ursula Walther send us a new homestory... she also was on the search for a cavalier but fall in love with a charlie.... but read yourself..

Dear Markus Kirschbaum,

at first we want to say we are all doing fine and want to say a special thanks for this great dog. The beginning of our story was that I want a new dog with down hanging ears, be loving, loyal, smart, healthy and docile. And so I was looking a lot in the internet and foudn many nice dogs and the most with your name.

And there he was the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.Oh how sweet and beautyfull.So look the same times as its physiology. I was disappointed, because it is heavier than 6.5 kg, unfortunately I could not forget it again; he was just too big and heavy for my needs (it should also as hand luggage on the plane). But, what was that! There is indeed a KING CHARLES SPANIEL, which is much smaller, lighter and just adorable; this character head, this aristocratic attitude and the precocious view. Now I was infected. So I have everything, but really everything googled. Back in the 15th century were the favorite dog of the British royal family. Depending smarter I went, the clearer it was, yes, that is it !!!!!!!

Then I contacted you immediately by phone and we accounted for an appointment. It was really nice to you, and I found my Charly - from the beginning - just adorable. I was blown away ...  And then finally came the day of collecting our baby. God, I was excited and full of joy. You have given me good advice again and the new team is going home. In the car Charly has once whined! What should I do? Simply sing. It took less than four minutes - was too horrible my singing - and Charly decided summarily to sleep. The ride home was completely without problems.

The next morning, around 09.30 am, you called me to check on how the first night was so? For me, the first night was with a dog so exciting and I am constantly woken up, but Charly has almost slept through, so lifted my head when I got up again, then lowered head and slept....

Just the fact that it was so important to you, how is the little Charly, shows me that you really care about your animals, with great sense of responsibility! I can say that I have such a clever, crafty, super love, willing to learn and sensitive little dog. And this sly, you will notice when Charly wrote or let write ; he rejects a writing course categorically;-), because Charley is a male who is a lovable rascal and I could laugh about him sometimes,of course I just can not show, because I can not afford everything. So decide for yourself ....

Greetings from Ursula W. E.



Mail to: Markus Kirschbaum
Sender: Charly W. aus E.

"Dear Markus,
I send greetings to you with a joyful wau wau and I am very happy with my mistress. Thank you for the good choice and I can not say anything bad about her service.  The ambiance of my new home is exactly to my taste. Especially the Chrome chair legs, I find very interesting and also after editing through my teeth there no traces, so dogs fit, haha.  So, now to my diet.My food is excellent. Its only organic and I get in addition to my Royal Canin quite exquisite, natural and without flavor enhancers staggered First Class treats. So that's how it should be;-) I don`t take everything ;-)

Even with the location of my new home, I am more than satisfied. None 2 minutes from my house is my park. There are two small lakes with water fountains and two small 2 Bridges, which I always  running over quickly. Then, the Park has also 10 Wild Geese (2 Parents with their 8 boys). Whether they free live there, or pay rent? I digress ... and on we go ...

Well, now we come to my new passion, and although I'm geology (mineralogy) very interested in studying stones, all kinds and sizes. Are in my park - so for Optics – quite beautiful large stones placed that I examine each morning to new smells out. After that the stones by climbing on top take a close look and then says Mistress to me "little mountain goat". I am not happy about, because they also said this to the Service staff of James, one of my friends is a pug. I have it exactly heard. If that does not unspeakably? Me to call it that! Since I have to talk with my mistress again seriously , so you can not.

Would she call the famous mountaineers, will not name names, also "large mountain goat"?  Probably not, I need to spend a lot of patience with my mistress, she has a lot to learn!


Then there's the action with the "intelligent toys". Since I can only laugh, because the runs like this: Mum hides Royal Canin in the toy and now she is waiting quite curious to see how and if I learn it. I understand of course immediately, but I act like that, and while I do so, as I understand it would not equal and owner is struggling to explain it to me and then do I after her. You should see, dear Markus how happy mistress is about it.A point for me (his mistress should always be entertained).

Now the thing with sleeping. I have an imaginary dog bed, its used as the jump hill serves of my big bed. It just makes a good impression when a dog an official Dog bed has. Only for what it is actually used ...... .. is probably in my Discretion ;-)

Dear Markus,I get some appetite and looking into the kitchen to see if what there is for me . What is  my mistress doing; must always be vigilant so that she does nothing. Yes, yes, than a dog has it not easy, but I accept the challenge .... "

Greetings from Charlie W. E.
















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